Installation on Intel/AMD x64 and Raspberry Pi 2/3/4

Installation of anynode on Debian/Ubuntu/Raspbian for the cpu-architectures above is done with three simple steps:

Download install shell script

$ wget

Start root shell

$ sudo -s

Start installation

# source ./anynode_debian_install.bash <networkInterfaceName>

If you omit the networkInterfaceName, a list of available interfaces will be shown.

Make sure to select the right ethernet interface to only make the webinterface available on the desired network side (most probably only internally for administration).

Recovery for anynode update issues

In case some problems arise during update operation, the follwing commands done on a root-shell should suffice to update anynode to the newest version available:

# apt-get update --allow-releaseinfo-change

# apt-get install anynodead

# apt-get dist-upgrade